<VV> Electric Oil Pressure switch installation.

sandrasuckow ssuckow at bmi.net
Sat Nov 26 14:04:34 EST 2005

Way Back in 84 I rebuilt a 110 for a friend whose wife (ex) had driven it in -5* weather for about 15 miles without a fan belt. It was toasted  but still running when I got it. he wanted to install a volt meter, temp gauge, and an oil press gauge set, but didnt know how or where. I had a new oil filter bolt machined drilled and cross drilled and installed the sender on the top of the fiklter assb. then cross checked pressure ith a master gauge a the factory port and found no noticable differance in the reading. the car has changed hands several times and now resides as our club president's daily driver. It was quick easy and works great.
 Dick Suckow 
64 Spyder conv
65 Corsa
65 Monza coupe
62 Monza Wagon
62 Monza coupe 

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