<VV> dash plaque

Kevin Spargur southernheritage at bellsouth.net
Wed Oct 12 14:20:27 EDT 2005

To All Who Responded Directly or Indirectly:

Thank you for the reply.  I have had a couple of others who responded as 
well and want you all to know that I really do appreciate the time taken 
to enlighten me.  I've never been a "participant" of a car show so I 
honestly didn't know... kinda suspected what y'all said but wasn't sure.

Thanks again!!!!!!!


Wrsssatty at aol.com wrote:

>Gary Swiatowy gave an excellent explanation of what a dash plaque is.  The 
>only thing I would ad is that they are so-called because of the expectation that 
>one will display this memento of attendance at a car show or convention on 
>the dash board of one's car.  Given that they are usually magnetic this works 
>out fine, especially for those who don't have a padded dash!  
>--Bill Stanley
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