<VV> Removing head studs

Chuck Kubin dreamwoodck at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 4 13:48:39 EDT 2005

You might find that putting up with the marks left by
a vise grip is easier than what it takes to purchase
the bit and materials and do the work involved in
tapping the case for a helicoil. While the
perfectionist in you my know they are there, a few
"curled" shavings won't significantly weaken the stud.
Another option: the vendors sell an oversized stud,
but all the options depend on how much metal comes out
with the threads.
Another thought if you are still considering cutting
the nut (despite all the advice to the contrary).  A
nut splitter or a cutting wheel may not completely do
the job. You can end up with a cracked nut still
rusted to a stud, except now you have damaged threads.
 Chuck's right: it can STILL shoot off when it
fiinally lets go.

The other Chuck


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