BRUCE BLACKMON blackmon at llano.net
Sat Sep 10 02:07:01 EDT 2005

HI Guys, been a while. I still can't help but think what the vair would be, if GM had kept on with developing them. I was sitting in my driveway this afternoon, listening to PBS, and a fellow sort of pulled up to the stop sign about 30 yds away, in a 9 something, and blew the stop sign, and loudly announced, I am air cooled, and hot! It did lag a bit, and then caught, and sounded good! Turbo? Makes you wonder. If the Germans can do it, why not us?  Still have not had any time to play with the Vairs, but will order parts SOON. Have to, money starting to fade, and no new clients. They do die, part of the job. Can hang in there, but must have brake parts! Anybody have any ideas about unstopping a tub drain? I have tried everything, up to, and including 120psi from a compressor, and still nothing. Any thoughts? Thanks BRUCE

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