<VV> 809 mile 1969 500 on ebay

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Mon Nov 6 15:35:14 EST 2006


#5999 comes to mind....

-Mark C (last private owner of #5999, now CPF museum property)

Mike Stillwell wrote:
> --- George Jones <georgedjones at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Relax Mike, you should be thankful that I didn't
> > cut up my car for the V8.... I bought one that was
> already converted. Not only that, but it is
> > > a 1965.... it is a Monza.... and it doesn't have
> > any rare options. It has no notable historical
> significance,
>  LOL! I didn't realize there was such a thing as a
> historically significant Corvair!
>  Mike
>  117/025/081

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