<VV> RE: swimsuit issue

mopar at jbcs2.net mopar at jbcs2.net
Thu Sep 14 12:20:52 EDT 2006

From: "Secular" <rusecular at yahoo.com>
Subject: <VV> Swim Suit issue !

    ummmm....take a look at the cover of CORSA Communiqué --- Special April
1993 SwimSuit issue ---  picturing Sandy Lezon & Cindy Hopp :)

    Ironically, and although it was an April Fool, in the next issue (May
1993 - open forum section), this fellow writes:
      " Request my subscription to CORSA be cancelled immediately if not
sooner. I do NOT need a swimsuit issue ! I do not have to have my money
refunded but I do feel my money will be put to much better use from now on

        ---- somewhere in Georgia"
    I haven't laughed so hard in a long time :))


I hate "Politically Correct" people..........
Sucks the fun out of life in general trying to please them or have them
impose their morals on you. The swimsuit issue was an april fools joke, I
look forward to that issue each year. If one is so humorless to not "get
it", maybe they should find a new hobby. The communique is unique in that
it is mostly comprised on articles from amateurs, yet this past year there
were so many that did not get Sarah's attempt at humor and actually fell
for it...........Makes it even more worthwhile to do it again next year!

Remember, cars have traditionally been advertised with accompanying
attractive women, not porn, but still used as a sales tool. Remember the
Dodge Rebellion Girl?

Gary Swiatowy
I miss the Snap On girly calendars too........

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