<VV> 1965 Chevrolet Corvair V8 Blue key

Bill H. gojoe283 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 1 11:24:59 EST 2007


If they come out with a factory stock Monza version of
this, I'd definitely be interested!

Happy New Year y'all...Bill H.

Subject: <VV> chain on iOffer.com
To: "Virtual Vairs" <VirtualVairs at corvair.org>
Message-ID: <037e01c72d8f$01b39cb0$6501a8c0 at Compaq2>
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For those of you who want to start the new year with
an alternative to 
eBay, here's a neat item on www.iOffer.com :

 1965 Chevrolet Corvair V8 key chain 

You'll find it here :


It's offered in several colors.  Is this a "Vairy 8"
Corvair ?


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