<VV> HB 2465 - Annual Fees & Inspections for Antiques

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Thu Jan 11 20:20:53 EST 2007

At 08:14 AM 1/11/2007, you wrote:
>According to an "old Boy" at the local Diner, several of the senior 
>state legislators have antique cars and this thing is a loser.. But 
>that doesn't mean Virginians shouldn't voice their concerns... Which 
>I am doing to my state representatives and to all representatives of 
>my particular party.

That sounds like a plan.     Maybe if the commonwealth's legislative 
branch spent more time taking care of pressing issues instead of 
jerking hobbyists around, VA would be a better place to live.    This 
bill would serve no real purpose other than to simply complicate the 

Mr Marshall III evidently isn't a car guy.


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