<VV> Shift Tube

RUSSELL DAVIS bluechipmach at verizon.net
Tue Jan 30 17:58:15 EST 2007

MY shifter works smooth as silk!!!! What I did was........ Got brass bushings from Clarks. Cleaned the inside of shifter  tube with an  round abrasive cloth roll with a die grinder,then soldered the bushings in (both ends) then installed the shifter rod with lapping compound(med fine grit) on the I.D. of the bushings and worked the shifter till it was fairly easy to move. Then take out the shifter rod, and clean all the lapping compound off of everything. Grease well and install.If the shifter gets in a bind after installation,you may have to add shims under it. I used the same ones that came out,and didn't have a problem.    

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