<VV> Re: Broken Trans bolt

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Thu Jul 5 23:21:15 EDT 2007

OK, I'll bite...

How did you use an easy-out with out first drilling a hole?

I agree, they are mis named!

Frank DuVal

Grant Young wrote:

>I have tried various tips on how to get the broken bolt out of the PG.
>Since the break is not a clean one, the drill bits, standard and left-handed "walk" to the side of the hole (wasted $5 on a left-handed bit). I could not start the bits as a result, even with a center punch. I tried an "easy out" (probably the world's most mislabelled piece of crap) with similar results. I am headed back under to try cutting a slot in the bolt to come out with a screwdriver. Just came up for air to let the blood run back to where it will do more good. More to follow.

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