<VV> Electric cooling fan results

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Tue Jul 31 17:32:46 EDT 2007

At 10:07 AM 7/31/2007, Ron wrote:
>The mag fan was introduced because it's BETTER than the early fans.

No, the mag fan was introduced because it was cheaper.   I'd wager 
the '62-63 fan is better at moving air than the mag fan although it 
remains much heavier and more expensive to produce.

That mag fan is a simple casting that has NO attention paid to 
aerodynamics or efficient air flow.  The only thing it does is beat 
out a more efficient fan in manufacturing costs and less weight, 
which means belts will stay on better, both factors more important to 
GM...  efficient cooling is a lesser matter when money is concerned, 
when the mag fan would be "good enough".

Well...  we see today that in certain applications it's NOT enough.

I would really like to see some modern test specs on Corvair cooling 
fans.   I mean *Modern* test specs and not the specs that GM drifted 
down through channels.


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