<VV> Corvair Comradery

Smitty Smith vairologist at verizon.net
Mon May 7 11:17:36 EDT 2007

Smitty Says:  Interesting note from the VA VairFair.  6:30 in the morning I get a call from Russ Davis in my hotel room that people coming up I-95 are reporting that there was a red 64 convert sitting on the shoulder with an axle sticking out.  Russ and I decided it must belong to Dan Friend of the Tidewater club.  I don't have Dan's number so I have to start bothering people at home for that.  Get ahold of Dan and he assures that it is his car and that he personally is in good hands.  "He shows up later at the Fair in a rental car".  Russ makes phone calls to "Corvair Dave" Robinson "of Centeral Corvair" who goes to the shop and picks up an axle with bearing to bring up the highway with him. (150 miles or so).  Later in the day Dave arrives with Mark Ellis riding shotgun.  They report that the axle has been replaced, the car hotwired and driven to a local gas station, (so the highway patrol tow truck vultures won't get it).  Dan is informed where he can pick up his car,
 ready to run.
  For you folks who don't understand what CORSA is all about and who think you can remain independant as you enjoy your Corvairs.  You might reconsider.  Also think on this.  If you were a member of the Musta%#$$^ club or the BMW club or the Corvette club, could you in your wildest dreams expect to see this happening to you ?  

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