<VV> 1969 Suspension ID

Bill H. gojoe283 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 20 16:50:21 EDT 2007


Please remember that from the time the Corvair was
taken off the line in November, 1968 until the third
week of April, 1969, the cars were carefully assembled
by workers who were selected because of their love and
interest in the Corvair.

It was only from the third week in April until May 14
1969 that they doubled production and quality control
slipped.  The workers were, according to the 1969
Corvair Fingertip Facts manual, tripping over each
other during those last days in the bunker.

My 69 was built some time around the change in
mid-April, and I find that it is tight, rust-free and
extremely reliable, thank G-d...Bill Hershkowitz  69
Monza Coupe 110 PG

Regards...Bill H.

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