<VV> Tricks for removing stubborn lifter

Lon Wall corvairs at pacifier.com
Mon Apr 7 13:36:09 EDT 2008

I've found a really good product called "Lifter Out". You remove the 
lifter and coat it with Lifterout then when you have to remove it simply 
falls out. Lifterout is available through Incredo Producst and also IM 
Witless out of Chicago.  Unca Lonald

BobHelt at aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 4/5/2008 6:46:44 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  
>Alohaz at ca.rr.com writes:
>Does  anyone have any tricks for getting a stubborn lifter (#6 intake)
>through  its hole in the block?  I have tried some pretty strong magnets,  but
>to no avail.  I can feel it slide forward a bit, but then sort of  seizes up,
>like the hole gets too tight.    I don't see how to  use a wire to pull it
>out, as suggested by one of the books, so I am now at  a loss.

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