<VV> Prefab shop (was garage)

Bill Elliott corvair at fnader.com
Wed Apr 9 15:23:38 EDT 2008

I built a 30x40 Morton building in WI and could not have been any 
happier with the quality, schedule, etc. Since the site prep and floor 
are a large percentage of the cost as is the assembly, the price 
difference between Morton and other cheaper options becomes a smaller 
percentage of the overall project than you might imagine. Were I to 
build another garage, Morton would be my first call.


Bryan Blackwell wrote:

>Is this their web site?
>On Apr 9, 2008, at 11:00 AM, Edelstein and Payne wrote:
>>     From my research, Morton Buildings cost a bit more, but I  
>>became convinced that you did get better quality for the money.   
>>They are essentially "post and beam" buildings, with the "posts" (3  
>>2x6's) on 7'6" centers.  Makes it easy to insulate.  While we don't  
>>quite get hurricanes in Raleigh the way folk do in Florida, it has  
>>nicely weathered at least 2 such blows where winds gusted over 70 mph.
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