<VV> Fuel pump recommendation?

Dave Thompson dave.thompson at verizon.net
Sun Aug 31 02:17:38 EDT 2008


It has been my experience that the single greatest failure
in Corvair fuel pumps is when one of the directional flow
valves pops out of it's seat.  Next time on fails take the
cover off and you will most likely see the little valve loose
in the chamber.  Push it back into place and restake it
in place ... fixed!  This can easily be done on the side of
the road ... don't ask me how I know :-)
Ken P


That's interesting. I am carrying a fuel pump and tools in my trunk as
suggested here in VV. 


The "know it all" from down the street was over the other day. He said that
if I was to keep a spare fuel pump that I should open it up and coat the
rubber parts with Vaseline to keep them soft. WHAT?!? I see his point about
keeping the rubber soft but what chemical properties will happen when it is
washed off and mixed into the gasoline? I don't know. Vaseline is an oil
derivative but would it cause issues in that small amount? 

Is it really necessary? What about shelf stock in the FLAPS? Do they dry up?

Is my neighbor full of it again or does he have a point?

Dave Thompson
Westminster, CA 

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