rbuckridge at comcast.net rbuckridge at comcast.net
Fri Feb 20 11:03:21 EST 2009

While looking at the club schedule for the New Jersey Motorsports Park, I clicked on a few club web site links and saw the SJR-SCCA and Schattenbaum PCA were ASKING FOR WORKERS at their track events for the up coming races at NJMP.

I contacted both organizations as to how do I go about being a worker. The SCCA group gave me the "typical corporate responce" and made it impossible to simply show up and work. Too many hoops to jump through.

The Schattenbaum PCA, emailed me back IMMEDIATLY and said they were racing 3 days and running 2 shifts (morning & afternoon) on each day, WHEN DO YOU WANT TO WORK was their only concern.

I worked the PCA event, had a ton of FUN, met a lot of drivers and workers, great bunch of guys and gals. It felt very much like a Corvair event or like Saturday Night at Wall. I might also add that this was in a light rain as the day was overcast and misting on and off.

To me, the bottom line is, ASK FOR WORKERS and Keep It Simple.

Roy, Bayshore

----- Original Message -----

Message: 11
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:06:05 EST
From: BobHelt at aol.com

By  Bob Helt


We  could maybe advertise for volunteers in the local papers or with posters 
in the  neighborhood. How will that work? We might get some people who 
perceive the need  for their help and understand the implied benefits of 
volunteering. Maybe,  depending on how the ads were worded. 

But  I?ll bet that by personally contacting prospective candidates and 
personally  explaining why they are needed and how much their help would be valued 
would get  more volunteers. People like to be asked. It makes them feel good. 

If you are  seeking unpaid volunteers, you have to sell the job to them. There 
is no money  involved so you have to emphasize how much they are needed and 
how valuable  their contribution would be. And how much job satisfaction they 
will enjoy from  their participation. 

So  which path would you suggest that CORSA takes when they need volunteers 

to  participate in some activity?

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