<VV> 50th Anniversary Coins

Ken Hand vairmech at aol.com
Fri Oct 2 17:51:23 EDT 2009

 Hi Everyone,

I just got back from Ypsi. and the Museum. There were several of us there and we had a production line going for the canceling of the stamps then placing the labels on the boxes. We then took the boxes next door to be shrink wrapped then went to lunch at the Diner across the street. When we came back the boxes were all shrink wrapped so we loaded them into my truck, Yes, some of them went to the post office in a '60, went to the post office and off loaded all of the packages with Today's date on them. 

To step back in time a little all of the stuff was shipped to our house and was here for a couple of months. On Sept. 30th we had a little get together and everyone proceeded to assemble boxes, put the foam in them, package the coins and then put the coins in the boxes. 

For those of you on Fastvair, this is a very significant day for you too!


Ken Hand

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