<VV> Lacquer

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 21 14:30:13 EDT 2009

 > Apparently what I did was a no-no.

Back When, lacquer was a bit more common, and folks could remember, day 
to day, that the only thing you could successfully top coat lacquer with 
was more lacquer, unless maybe maybe the paint was ten or more years old 
and "fully" cured.

Lord knows, it was tried, and like with Harry's, it peeled, bubbled, 
crinkled, crazed, and so on, but it doesn't work.  Maybe if you have an 
original finish car that was kept inside, so there is still some paint 
left on the car, you could put a permanent clear coat shine on it now, 
if you wanted. 

What do the rules say about paint for "stock" class?

Bill Strickland

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