<VV> Convention racing/autocross

levair at aol.com levair at aol.com
Mon Feb 8 16:31:04 EST 2010


I just learned that the Marshalltown Kart track is available again.
  We need input on what day would be best for conventioneers.

As a reminder, the Kart track is about .6 miles on a paved 3 Kart wide 
road racing course with out pylons.
The course is 2 laps each time and crosses back and forth so it is 
conmpletely viewable to spectators.

The fastest cars switch between 2nd and 3rd gears. The current record 
there is held by Michael LeVeque.

The choices seem to be on Monday (registration day) or Tuesday 
(concours day) or other suggestions.

Please let Bob Dunahugh (Yenko108 at hotmail.com) or me (Levair at aol.com) 
or Seth (Sethracer at aol.com) know about your opinions.


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