<VV> Bunch of Wagon stuff on ebay

Eric S. Eberhard flash at vicsmba.com
Tue Dec 6 16:11:01 EST 2011

User ID is flash-spyder

Glass, rubber, etc.  Also my Judson supercharged Corvair which is 
very nice mechanically (perfect) and could easily be restored 
cosmetically or raided for parts including the new engine and 
Judson.  Any questions feel free to call or email.


Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727          Voice
(928) 567-6122          Fax
(928) 301-7537                           Cell

Vertical Integrated Computer Systems, LLC
Metropolis Support, LLC

For Metropolis support and VICS MBA Support!!!!    http://www.vicsmba.com

For pictures:  http://www.vicsmba.com/ourpics/index.html

(You can see why we love this state :-) )  

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