<VV> corvair oil cooler/cabin heater?

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Tue Dec 27 23:41:00 EST 2011

> Been tried dozens of times by newbies....  never worked...
>  Technically... not enough BTU's  via heat rejection through the oil..
>Matt Nall

If this was srictly true, then oil coolers don't work. Since we know oil coolers 



Sorry Ken....  physics are physics.....   in cold weather  a 3 plate cooler will work on any street engine...

that should tell you something...  

 There's not enough heat  to offset the BTU  losses  in a Corvair body...  let alone heat it up...

 Sadly.. I tried once...and I know how to make a Vair engine run HOT  in cold weather...

 And  inland SoCal  seldom stays below 40f... and it didn't work...

But you're back east...    prove me wrong!!!

Matt Nall

Charleston, Oregon


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