<VV> We liked Buffalo

Ernie Sanders epssax at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 9 08:40:33 EDT 2011

My wife and I attended Buffalo and had a good time.  The Corvairs were excellent, but that is nothing new.  We appreciated seeing the city and realize it is not much different from any modern city that is going through a change from industialization to service industry.  Our city of Louisville is constantly dealing with the same issue.  The dinner cruise through the locks system was very historical, interesting, entertaining, and informative.  So, our hats off to the Buffalo organizers as we will always remember that show.

We are looking forward to the Denver Convention.  Wishing for good weather, great Corvairs, and hopefully meeting some more Corvair people.  We have never been to Denver so we a hoping to find out what makes that town click.

Ernie Sanders,  Derby City Corvair Club.   

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