<VV> Corvair mention in 3/21/11 AW (Autoweek)

Wrsssatty at aol.com Wrsssatty at aol.com
Wed Mar 16 15:35:55 EDT 2011

Page 39 of the March 21, 2011 AW (formerly Autoweek) magazine features a  
brief write-up concerning a restored '64 Spyder convertible.  It's an  
overall good article with some errors.  For example, the article  asserts that 
"Unsafe At Any Speed" brought about the '64s' "safety  modifications".  Never 
mind that the '64s went on sale in the Fall of '63  but "Unsafe At Any Speed" 
wasn't published until Fall of '65 after the '66 model  year cars hit the 
market.  I also question the quoted "current market  value" of $41,000 even 
given the power top and Kelsey-Hayes wire wheels.   And, it says; "Built 
before the advent of the ignition key lock, the Corvair  could be started 
without the key in the ignition."  Huh?  Maybe he's  talking about hot-wiring the 
~Bill Stanley

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