<VV> flickering lights fixed

Markpowhatan at aol.com Markpowhatan at aol.com
Sun Sep 4 21:15:25 EDT 2011

Thanks for all the suggestions folks!  I seem to have fixed the  problem.  
When i installed the rebuilt generator and new regulator, there  was a radio 
noise suppressor on the regulator so I transferred it to the new  regulator 
(don't know why i didn't get a new suppressor) but I read last night  in 
the Chevy Manual that noise suppressors aren't supposed to be put on a  
regulator connected to the field side.  Then it hit me that the label on  the 
generator says the same thing.  A previous owner had installed it  incorrectly 
and so I did the same thing too, so a lesson was learned here!  LOL    The 
lights are now steady again, "and" with the  old regulator now.  I "think" its 
fixed.    Mark

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