<VV> input shaft seal

Joel McGregor joelsplace at earthling.net
Fri Sep 16 16:35:50 EDT 2011

One advantage:  It moves the lip from the original wear location.
If there was pressure on the seal (there shouldn't be) then I could see the seal holding the pressure could wear out faster and then start using the second seal.
I can see how age and wear should be the same on both seals but is that all that causes failure?  Maybe the trick would be to use two different brand seals.
I use two when I'm in the diff anyway.  I doubt it hurts anything and the double seal snouts seem to be better quality than the original.  It also helps whatever vendor you bought it from.
Joel McGregor
Subject: Re: <VV> input shaft seal

Tim, my thoughts exactly. After many hundreds or even a couple thousand heat cycles why would the second seal act any different than seal one. I can see it helping for those who race and heat things up to the max on a regular basis.
Pete Inman
61 Rampside
65 Monza

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