<VV> GARAGES Tim Colson style

N2VZD at aol.com N2VZD at aol.com
Sun Apr 8 17:12:40 EDT 2012

If I was a better writer , I would submit a story about my present shop. It 
 was finished while we were enjoying the nationals in Detroit. It is very 
nice ,  BUT I use the heck out of it , So it is very hard to clean. Dust , 
and overspray  from cleaning and painting parts has taken over surfaces , and 
oil etc has taken  over the work areas . I use a lot of cardboard on my 
bench areas (over 30 ft  working surfaces) , but floors are hard to clean 
because i had an aggressive  surface put down do help avoid slips and fall. I have 
a separate room for parts  washer , sandblast cabinet  , and other cleaning 
stuff, a decent bathroom ,  with laundry sink for parts washing/ rinsing. 
The shop is mostly used for my  personal projects , Upstairs is my 
"library/computer hamshack" very messed up  with many ongoing projects and a Ham club 
repeater. I have many (but not enough)  antennas on the outside in back.
@ half of the building is insulated and heated , with the front part (up  
and down ) considered "cold storage". 
3 vehicles stay out there , along with surplus cabinets for chemicals, oil  
, paints , etc and shelves for parts semi organized. The shop holds 2 
vehicles ,  but it is more comfortable with one. I think there have been pictures 
posted on  the CNYCC website of the building. It is 30 X 44 steel pole barn 
type  construction , with decent insulation on the back half , and an 80K 
BTU  hanging propane furnace for heat. It is not that bad to keep it very  
comfortable. I spend  most of my life out here playing corvairs and ham  
radio. It is well equipped with tools for what I need to do. It has full  wiring 
with 100amp service , internet , security , phone , cable TV , over 200  ft 
of copper air supply in the walls , 100 gallon reserve air tank, ceiling 
fans  up and down ,  etc. My air compressor is back in the house garage on it's 
 own power sub circuit, and is fed underground in copper inside black 
plastic,  beside water fed with pextubing  inside black plastic @ 30 inches  
underground (local codes) along with another 2 inch plastic for other wires. I  
spent extra time allowing for extra needs for power and grounding for the  
upstairs ham radio equipment .I have a wall of bookshelves for ham radio  
magazines , and corvair research materials. The rest are in a room down cellar  
in the house.
It was built on a budget fed mainly by the selling of our boat , which we  
gave up because of changes in our health and moving into a one floor  home..
It could have been built even cheaper if I had done more shopping for  
contractors , but I have known this builder a long time , and work well with  
him. The shop is not detailed , but VERY functional.
Regards, Tim Colson    Near Syracuse NY
63 rampside since @ 1985
61 Lakewwod  unfinished
64 Monza  factory A/C  unfinished
61 ??? Crampside  VERY unfinished  (another looong story)


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