<VV> 4x1 4 carb engines

Bill & Chris Strickland lechevrier at q.com
Wed Jan 11 19:49:56 EST 2012

> I ran my 1965 Corsa 140 with the early Eico  manifold and a 390 Holley4-barrel #6299.

All this center mount talk using the Holley 390 is for the birds -- one 
needs a big Holley, mechanical secondaries, and a *pair* of 50 cc accel 
pumps.  Yes, a 750 double pumper is too much carb, but unlike the 390, 
it can be made to work well -- or just get an AFB.

With just a little careful driving, you, too, can be last in class at 
the local econo run.

Bill Strickland

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