<VV> methanol vs. ethanol

J R Read hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 18 18:46:56 EDT 2012

Ethanol Problems:

1.  Gums form rapidly in the tank and fuel system as ethanol ages.  But, 
since it is also a solvent it strips away and disperses relatively large 
particles which can lead to clogged filters, injectors, and/or carburetors.

2.  It attracts moisture forming an ethanol/water solution in the gas.  When 
the temp cools, the water can drop out of suspension in the tank leading to 
rough running and poor starting.

3.  Ethanol breaks down relatively quickly leading to lower octane which 
leads to ping and knock.

4.  Ethanol does not produce as much energy as "regular" gas which leads to 
less efficient combustion, performance, and mileage.

I'm not all that smart.  The info above is taken from a pamphlet entitled 
"Ethanol 101" which is a promotional item for Star Tron - Enzyme Fuel 
Treatment.  Of course that brochure also explains how their product 
mitigates the problems listed.

Later, JR

'61 Rampside Standard 4/110
'65 Monza Convertible 4/140
"Keep the Love Alive"

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Harry Yarnell" <hyarnell1 at earthlink.net>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: <VV> methanol vs. ethanol

> There's all the talk about ethanol being 'bad' for internal combustion
> engines, especially small engines like chain saws lawn mowers, etc.
> Why?

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