<VV> Tire care

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Wed Jan 1 19:58:28 EST 2014

Just storing them indoors out of sunlight helps the most. Not mounted, 
and away from ozone makers (sparks). I have some 900 x 14s still wrapped 
in paper that look fine. Whether they are safe is another matter!

If you store whitewalls, make sure they are wrapped or stored whitewall 
to whitewall. Whitewall touching black will stain.

People with RVs use a tire cover to cut down on UV degradation. The 
cover should keep sunlight off, so the more it wraps around the tire the 

I never understood the anti Armour-All, etc group.

Frank DuVal

On 1/1/2014 2:01 PM, Rob wrote:
> Following this thread, then, what is the best product to put on a tire to keep if from rotting? I hear Armorall is not the answer.
> Likewise, what's the best way to store the spare set of tires and wheels?  Upright or on the sidewall? Inflated or deflated- or in between?
> Rob Neighbour

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