<VV> Cracked pistons

James Cuneo jamescuneo at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 24 11:05:08 EST 2014

Jim, You are correct, in my case I am using a 140 shroud that had the tube coming from #5.I relocated to #6 and made a block off plate for the original hole.I have wondered why the engineers put the hole in front of #5 in the first place when it is so much easier to have it at #6.Possibly there is more air pressure there due to fan rotation to feed the heater?Jim Cuneo 

--Forwarded Message Attachment--From: simpsonj at verizon.netTo: virtualvairs at corvair.orgDate: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:25:32 -0500Subject: <VV> Cracked PistonsPerhaps I'm missing something, but doesn't the cool air vent on turbo come
from the other side -- near #6 cylinder? At least that the way my '66
Corsa turbo is set up.

Jim Simpson
Group Corvair 		 	   		  

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