<VV> Turbo '63 distributor Pressure Retard

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Wed Feb 18 20:04:09 EST 2015

It has come to my attention that my distributor for my '63 Spyder has a vacuum 
advance unit mounted on it rather than a pressure retard unit. I am weighing my 
options for rectifying this problem since it appears that there may be more than 
one way of correcting this problem. I would be interested in hearing from anyone 
with experience at solving a problem such as this. Nick 


Since there's no vacuum at Boost Pressures.. the VA is not hurting you.     You can add a Cheap Knock Sensor / eliminator   that will crudely take care of your problem or Add a SafeGuard   http:www.american-pi.com that will  do everything  and is tuneable!

Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon



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