<VV> ADVERTISEMENT - CORVAIR Pick-A-Part - This Saturday 11/17/18 - Seneca, SC

Scott Morehead moreheadscott at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 15 17:07:34 EST 2018

Address to the "Corvair Pick A Part" this Saturday 11/17/18 - Gates Open 730AM - Gates Close 3PM

 Drive Careful - Bundle up (Chilly dry forecast scheduled) and can't wait to put a name to the faces. 

 211 Chris Lane, Seneca, SC 29678

 Primitive site - Bring any creature comforts desired...….

While traveling on "Return Church Rd" from either direction depending on your location, you will then turn on Chris lane only one way available to turn - the property will be on the left and the 1st gravel driveway on the left (a fence going across the driveway if you get there earlier than me) - If you see a house on your left - you have gone to far by a smidgen, Hopefully there will be a porta potty on the "right of way" before the driveway but we will see how that turns out.

 if you get lost - call me (Scott) 843-478-4223 - phone service will be sketchy depending on the carrier.

Best regards,

Scott Morehead
843 - 478 - 4223 

    On ‎Friday‎, ‎October‎ ‎12‎, ‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎11‎:‎39‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EDT, Scott Morehead <moreheadscott at yahoo.com> wrote:  
PICK - A - Part - Rainor Shine - 730Am until dusk or sooner - Date - (Saturday) November 17th, 2018 -Seneca SC - Exact address to follow - Zip code will be 29678 - Let me know howthat date works for folks - the two previous weekends some folks can't make itand the next weekend is turkey day – so let me know your thoughts on the date.


Over 75 Corvairs onsite – Mini Rampside and ramps – FC’s toinclude a 64 Deluxe and 8 door (roof rack on one of the FC’s Don’t know iforiginal) – early models various – 1 with a Turbo & a roll cage) - LateModels - Coupes convertibles 2/4 dr - 2 69's (One Convertible) the other withAC and a 140hp - ten from the last one made if I remember correctly – but smushednose) Several engines already out of the car and in a pole barn. 


Pricing of parts – Buyer / Seller negotiation – Win / Win styleof negotiations  - payment cash or checks.


Various Parts in a caboose on site - If you want a really coolman cave or guest quarters - the cabooses can be purchased with track andrailroad ties (Think Tiny House Crave) – a flashlight will be nice if you plan on picking the NOS partsand used parts in the train.


All cars are parts cars – Expect bill of sale for vehicles inlieu of titles if wanted/needed – I may have only titled 6 or 7 and the othersare the historical usual – you purchase the car(S) and the owner can’t or doesn’tprovide a title and then the vehicle changes hands and never get titled downstream.  


Also for sale will be heavy duty shelving – The type Lowes, Homedepot, Menards, etc uses for their products display (not the small ones theysell).  Originally these shelves were 16’tall – the pole barn is 13’ at the rafter and I believe these were cut to 12’ –So these are 12’X12’X3”?  Probably 120 linearfeet or more of shelving available (you’ll have to take them down) – Cool thing– they also make great workbenches – Using a diamond blade and skill saw – cut uprightsto the dimensions you require and bang – you have a twelve foot long 4 foot highshelve or whatever height you need.  Useyour imagination for all the different uses – just to clean up your attachedgarage if it is a mess – these will work wonders on getting that clutter offthe floors and organized – as long as you have a twelve foot wall somewhere.


It is a primitive sitewhich means outdoors, tall grass, trees, bushes - maybe wildlife (snakes,spiders, deer, Sun. Clouds, Rain, wind, corvair enthusiasts, etc) - If you planon entering the trains - the first step is high and steep - within a couple ofmiles from all the eateries / gas stations / auto parts stores / Harbor Freightetc.

No water or power at the moment - may be available but expect no water or power- a flashlight will be nice if you plan on picking the few NOS parts and usedparts in the train. So bring rags and cleaner for your hands and arms


You will be requiredto sign a liability waiver prior to entering the property as well as everyonein your party - regardless of age, sex, religion, gender, politicalaffiliations - etc.,


Best safety practice protocolwill be in order (Personal protective equipment of your choosing provided byyou for the work being performed) - no jacking (absolutely - No Bottle orscissor jacks - terrain prohibited) a vehicle unless proper placement and useof jack stands are incorporated into the process - When and if vehicles are offthe ground / in the air - no other folks will be allowed on / in that vehicle exceptthe folks working on the same project with that vehicle - we do NOT want anyoneto leave in an ambulance or other rescue vehicles - If you are working unsafe -I apologize in advance but you will be escorted off the property - no excuses -no warnings – no re-admittance - poof out the door you will go - If someonetells on you for working unsafe - poof out the door - I think you get it - nobackyard mechanics - no fighting over parts - no cussing at your neighbor - nohorseplay - If this event is successful (meaning everyone had a good time) weplan on opening the shop near Charleston for an early spring event and at thatlocation you will not need any tools - all the parts are already separated toinclude 30+ engines / trans etc with a variety of NOS parts. 


If I missed anythingor you have any questions and or suggestions – please let me know







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