<CORSA Chapters> Club Autocross Corvair

Brown, David David.Brown at bsci.com
Sun Apr 9 13:54:34 EDT 2006

Thanks for the replies!!:
Gail Policella
Barry Ellison
FrontMan (Chuck Armer)
Tim Mahler
Bryan Blackwell

You all had very encouraging & supportive remarks!  We are at the very
beginning stages, so we have a lot to learn & find out.  What I am
hearing is that it is very doable AND worthwhile which is what we wanted
to hear.  I'll bet if every club did this it would be done in a
different way depending on membership wants & available resources.
Gail, you mentioned the opportunity you hope to take advantage of by
running a club car since all you have is a Greenbrier.  I'll bet that
you will be more tempted to run your Brier once you have some "training"
under your belt!  I've watched a lot of FC's run at the conventions &
they do much better than expected- plus a lot of fun!  I am hoping this
concept will awaken the suppressed autocross thoughts within our club
members- once they get the bug, they'll want to run their own cars.

OK, I'm a little confused as to what club autocross cars are out there.
Are several of you talking about the SAME car??  I wonder how many
others are out there as well?  Gail & Padgett mentioned the CFC club car
(Padgett sent me a picture- white cp. with #328 & a picture of FL on the
side).  Barry, you mentioned the SECC car that is white with blue
stripes.  Is that the one that says "Heart of GA Corvair Club?" on the
front fender?  Doesn't SECC stand for South East Central Corvair (just a
guess)?  I looked on www.corvair.org, but couldn't find it with a quick
look.  Chuck, you sent me to the web site that shows the #112 car that
you did so much work on.  Is that a different car, or just before it was
painted white?  You mentioned almost $4,000 spent.  Wow!  I'm not sure
we're ready to spend that much just yet!!

I'm going to report back to our board with all of your positive remarks,
plus info.  I think it will be enough to get the ball rolling.  We
currently have a title-less 61 cp that is pretty well stripped that was
slated for the crusher.  We have a 64 rear susp. that we can use, but
much to do from there on.  It is windowless & we plan on running it that
way for now, although there may be restrictions with SCCA, or others,
like that.  I agree with several of you that cosmetics are important,
but as Tim mentioned, that can come later.  We are all out of touch
enough that we don't even know where there are any tracks in Houston or
where SCCA and/or others may be running locally, but we have already
designated one person to start googleing some info on that.  Insurance
is one of the biggest concerns that our board has right now.  I read
something somewhere recently on how CORSA handles that, but can't
remember where.  Byran, you referenced a message that "Jim" had sent
(about the legalities), but I could not find it.  Could you forward it
if you still have it?

Thanks again for your help!!
Corvair Houston

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