<CORSA Chapters> Club Autocross Corvair

Edwin D. Lindsay wfcc at juno.com
Mon Apr 10 23:27:52 EDT 2006

I did build the 2K autocross car for the 2000 Daytona convention, it
wasn't exactly a "club" project but several members did help with it and
there were several donated parts (thanks to Lee Elder for the engine) .
The car was driven by 18-20 different drivers at the convention and was
autocrossed  in both SCCA and SECC events by me and several club members
for a few years after that. It was a good strong runner with very few
minor problems the whole time, we did use up several sets of tires
though. Unfortunately it went under water while sitting on the trailer
parked next to my garage during Ivan.


West Florida Corvair Club

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