<CORSA Chapters> Membership question -- 100% vs Not. Chapter level

David McMillan dmac632000 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 14 21:15:36 EST 2009

Hi All,
Bay State Corvairs response:
Does your chapter require CORSA membership? 
Have you discussed 100% CORSA membership in your chapter meetings?
Yes, at great lengths.
Would your chapter support 100% CORSA membership?
No. As other respondents have already stated, doing so would be devastating to our numbers. We have about 110 members and 50 are CORSA members. The balance comprise those who are in our chapter for the monthly newsletter and some local support and quite honestly, really have no desire to join the national club. They don't see the importance of supporting CORSA regardless of how much you try to convince them. Sorry, but that is the plain truth. The suffer from WIIFM (What's In It For Me) Syndrome.
Then there are those who would love to be CORSA members, but because of their current financial status need to scale back extra expenses. Do you want to penalize those people and kick them to the curb and not allow them to join the local club because they can't afford the national fee? Now that would really make a bad situation worse.
I agree with Bob Marlow's suggestion that "non-compliant" chapters (or rather "affiliate clubs") pay an increased annual fee. I disagree, however, with his prediction that his club will opt for 100% compliance a few years down the road. I really don't think those who are non-CORSA members will suddenly be inspired to join so easily. As Bob says, CORSA's problems are not rooted in whether or not the 
locals require 100% membership...

Dave McMillan


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