<CORSA Chapters> FW: Combining Chapter and National membership fees; shared

KAISERVAIR at aol.com KAISERVAIR at aol.com
Sat Feb 28 13:35:58 EST 2009


I think up front this may sound like a good idea. But, let me see if I have  
this correct, CORSA collects all of the members dues money and than someone  
mails out the allocated chapter dues money back to the chapter. Who is going to 
 do all of the of the sorting and mailings and at what cost?
Bottom line to me is just bureaucratic meddling!!!!!
Since the chapters have a bunch of members that won't join CORSA.  How's this 
for an idea? Why not just make CORSA membership mandatory as of  whatever 
date. If a person  belongs to a chapter before this date they  would be exempt 
from joining CORSA. 
This way the members that say they won't ever join CORSA or those that say  
they would leave if membership would be mandatory, would not be effected.
Just a thought
                                 Dexter Minick

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