<CORSA Chapters> Due and Who

Jack Pinard corvairjack at verizon.net
Sat Feb 28 13:22:11 EST 2009

To all:
The fundamental question is whether Corsa should be run by a paid bureaucracy or continue as a league of volunteer controlled chapters.
When chapters ask headquarters to do their work (collect dues), local responsibility and authority could be weakened.
Nothing can replace personal selling.  
Face to face contact by chapter officers with members and/or potential members is the most effective method.
Often all that is required is to ask "would you like to join" chapter and/or Corsa.
Headquarters, i.e. Corsa board, can develop and promote effective tools for use by chapters.  Then instruct and monitor chapters on their use.
In my view, problems with a centralized Corsa dues billing system include:
    1. Standardized chapter dues would be necessary.
    2. Chapters should be given opt out provision.
    3. Member opt out for those not wanting to join chapter required.
    4. Careful legal analysis in necessary to determine liability of Corsa in managing funds of chapters that may not be in compliance with state and federal regulations for operation of non-profit organizations. 
(Does Corsa ever check chapters on how public funds are used or reported?)
    5. Enforcement might cause major dissension among inflexible members.
I believe that there are many simple and effective ways to strengthen membership in Corsa and chapters and increase income. 
Corsa directors can develop a comprehensive program that promotes Corsa goals by working with successful chapters and members.
Then Corsa directors can assume responsibility for enrolling chapters to implement the program. 
Corsa then must monitor chapters with reports and inspections, and monitor directors on their duties.
Finally it must all be transparent with honest reports to chapters and members.
It is the duty of the Corsa board and directors to lead with strong action.
Jack Pinard
Corsa member, life member Ventura County Corvairs, member Corsa West of Los Angeles, Vintage Corsa of Orange County, South Coast Corsa, San Diego Corvair Club, founder California Arizona Racing, recipient of Best Chapter Newsletter 2002 

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