<CORSA Chapters> FW: Combining Chapter and National membershipfees; shar...

Bill Hubbell whubbell at cox.net
Sat Feb 28 14:36:22 EST 2009

Again, replying to all concerned - this would all be strictly VOLUNTARY.

Chapters could individually decide to participate or not with no
consequences to them.  

Members of chapters deciding to participate could still decide to pay their
local dues directly to the chapters OR to make a "one-stop-shop" payment to
CORSA which includes Chapter dues (NOTE: some chapters that require 100%
CORSA membership already offer to collect CORSA dues with chapter dues -
this would just allow the service to work in reverse)

Chapters would continue to have total control over their dues structures,
including amounts, due dates, membership types, etc.  All CORSA would do is
post the information the chapter provides and collect and pass on the dues
that the member pays.  The nice thing is that doing this on-line would
automatically update the member's information in the CORSA database for that
chapter (reducing the amount of work the Chapter Secretary has to do as
required by the CORSA Chapter Plan).

None of this would require chapters to adopt 100% CORSA membership.

I had ASSUMED that CORSA would not want to offer the chapter dues collection
service to non-CORSA members, but Harry's post indicates it could work for
ANY chapter member, CORSA or not.  Clearly, the ADVANTAGE to the chapters of
allowing CORSA to collect CHAPTER dues is that there would be ONE MORE PLACE
(on the CORSA website) where a potential member could FIND AND JOIN a LOCAL
club.  As a side benefit to CORSA, the newbie might decide to join CORSA as
well, but at the very least they would have a somewhat favorable impression
of CORSA for offering the service and that cannot be a bad thing.

As for those of you who think this nothing more than "bureaucratic
meddling", don't participate if that is how you feel, but please do not
assume that all members or all chapters feel this way.

Bill Hubbell

-----Original Message-----
From: chapters-bounces at corvair.org [mailto:chapters-bounces at corvair.org] On
Behalf Of AeroNed at aol.com
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:40 PM
To: chapters at corvair.org
Subject: Re: <CORSA Chapters> FW: Combining Chapter and National
membershipfees; shar...

I think you guys are missing the part about this being voluntary. Bill,  
correct me if I'm wrong, but this wouldn't replace allowing members to pay
local chapter dues directly to the chapter. The intent is to enable members
pay both national and local dues at one place and one time, a convenience 
thing  nothing mandatory about it. The local chapter can still use their
muscle"  to get their dues anyway they want.
As for the timing thing, a member can pay CORSA anytime (it's like the  
Chicago thing, pay early, pay often - my apologies to everyone in Chicago
and  the 
fine state of Illinois). If your club collects due based on the calendar,  
your member can pay CORSA at that time. If it's early they would already be

credited when their due date comes up. If it's late, they would be
with a new renewal date that's the same as the local club. Guess I don't see

this as a problem. Of course this would only be an option, chapter members
not be mandated to pay their local dues this way.
I do think there are some logistics that will have to be worked out.
up for multiple chapters, frequency of sending checks to the chapters  and 
others will be need to be worked out by M&P and the BoD.
I really love this idea, I'm all for everything that's convenient.
In a message dated 2/28/2009 10:45:58 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
dmac632000 at yahoo.com writes:

I'm  pretty sure Bay State Corvairs would have the same sentiment. One 
concern is  the loss of control of "re-upping" of members (not that we're
freaks!)  each year. We also have a large percentage of non-CORSA members  
(50%). We don't want to force them into joining CORSA as part of a Chapter  
pre-requisite, but we ARE increasing our efforts to convince them of the
benefits of 
joining the national club. We've recently appointed one of our  newer, 
younger members (Jason Cesana) as our CORSA rep who will actively  work to
our CORSA membership. He's really enthusiastic and energetic  and I'm sure 
he'll do a great job. By the way, he's really pushing the raffle  ticket
for the 64 coupe being offered at the convention.  
I've  also been increasing the CORSA content in our chapter newlsetter,  
adding propaganda like CORSA ads such as "Top Ten Reasons to Join",  the
coupon to 
entice first-timers to join, and whatever else I  can find. I feel we have a

better chance at the grass routes level to get  people in our region to join

by pulling them in. My opinion is that  forcing someone to join CORSA will
work to boost membership levels.  You'll get the hard core group of 
individuals that are already involved and  maybe a handful more....

Dave McMillan
Bay State  Corvairs

----- Original Message ----
From: Gary  Swiatowy <gswiatowy at rochester.rr.com>
To:  chapters at corvair.org
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 10:46:19  AM
Subject: Re: <CORSA Chapters> FW: Combining Chapter and National  membership

fees; shared databases

The Niagara Frontier Corvair Club  would NOT be interested in having CORSA 
collect our dues.
We have our  own time frame, and dues scale based on how newsletter is 
We  also have several members who are not CORSA members.

Please spare us  the mandatory membership replies.

Gary Swiatowy  

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