<CORSA Chapters> > CORSA Motion

N2VZD at aol.com N2VZD at aol.com
Sat Feb 28 21:41:20 EST 2009

i think the reverse would work better. like the national radio club, ARRL  
,set up a program where the chapters send in the national renewals and get a  
small credit (like $2.00 per) for the effort. this credit can go to the club or  
act as a discount to the member. easier to do for many reasons...
we , like others , have some special cases where a member is honorary or  
something , due to age or such not attending many functions , or no car , but  
still interested and paying local dues to remain a social? member. they do not  
need the nationals etc.
we TRY to sell , not force , CORSA membership whenever possible.
regards , tim colson cnycc  (NOT an officer ) LONG time member of many  clubs
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