<CORSA Chapters> Club Activity Suggestions desired

AeroNed at aol.com AeroNed at aol.com
Tue Dec 14 22:46:04 EST 2010

We, MCCA, have several activities that are popular. The oldest one is a  
huge all makes car show at a near by lake. That was an easy one.
We also have three "Tunas" per year, Cold Tuna in Feb, Juna Tuna in June  
and Luna Tuna in Oct. These are tune up sessions at Terry Kalp's shop. We 
have  members that know enough to teach others or just get it done. We worked 
on our  club car so much, that we have to import jobs from nearby clubs 
(nearby in  Kansas is a couple hundred miles). Terry's hospitality and generosity 
are what  really make these events the great success they are. We also have 
a spectacular  spread for lunch, usually pot luck, that attract some people 
too. My favorite  side effect of these events are the guys that come just 
to watch and learn (and  jeer). These events have eliminated the excuse of 
"It isn't running right" for  why we don't get lots of cars at meetings.
Here in Wichita, there are several Friday night cruise ins around the city. 
 Some are special dates and others are every Friday. We have several 
members that  attend different events. These are not like concours show, more like 
a bunch of  car people hanging out in a parking lot, very informal and 
Finally, we go places in a group cruise. We've gone to local museums or  
tourist attractions. Just something where the trip there is half the fun. Of  
course there also has to be a good, unique place to eat.
In a message dated 12/14/2010 2:24:15 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
whubbell at verizon.net writes:

I have  just been elected Activities Chairman for the Tidewater Corvair 
I  thought it might be interesting to check with all the other clubs to  see
what sort of interesting activities you have done.  I am  especially
interested in activities that get your members motivated to  attend and to 
more active in the club.

Thanking you all in  advance, and looking forward to the responses!

Bill  Hubbell

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