<CORSA Chapters> Corvanatics needs your input

Secretary Corvanatics corvanatics at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 17:23:36 EDT 2016

Hi all,

It’s spring time. Have you awakened your FC from its long winter nap, or
finished that winter project? Have you taken a cruise yet, or attended a
car show? Why not send us picture or two. Maybe send in an article. I see
so many great pictures and descriptions on Facebook, I’m sure you can do
the same for our newsletter. Remember, contributing to the newsletter is
sharing your joy with others. Remember, it’s your submissions that help
make CorvanAntics an award winning newsletter.

Send your tech articles to Tech Editor: Gary Baxter   morsa66 at outlook.com.
Your general pictures and articles to General Editor: Gary Moore
CorvanAnticsNews at gmail.com and any historical information to Historian:
Chris Brown   cmbrown1950 at gmail.com. As always, you can just reply to this
and I will forward them to the appropriate person.

Hope to hear from you soon. Get out and drive and enjoy your FC. Just share
it with us when you do.

*Molly Bacon*
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