<VV> Re: [FC] corsa trivia question

corvanatics@corvair.org corvanatics@corvair.org
Sat Apr 5 07:34:01 2003

The 60 link may be the real answer to the missing #2.  On a 60 engine, the 
center mount choke was mounted to the top shroud at the #2 location.  The 
wires were routed away from that mechanism.
Would agree on the 3 being removed to allow the top shroud belt guard to be 

tim mahler
earlies and lates with a 60 motor on the floor

<<Rickie's thesis ..it is due to the routing of the spark plug wires.>>
 << Lonzo adds   I haven't seen an explanation on the missing "3", and here 
is my take on it... the "3" disappeared when the top belt guide appeared... 
now if someone 
 had a caveman car to look at, we could find out if Rickie's thesis is 
 correct, since the 60 Corvair routed the spark plug wires in a 
 "counter-clockwise" path from the distributor and ending at #2....  >>