[FC] oil fill

Clark Hartzel corvanatics@corvair.org
Mon Sep 29 11:30:01 2003

Simple, the owner installed a car engine oil filter housing that had the
filler on the top.  I did this on my Rampside and it is much easier to put
oil in than spilling it all over the trap door.  You have to put a hinge on
the engine cover for access.
Clark Hartzel

-----Original Message-----
From: corvanatics-admin@corvair.org
[mailto:corvanatics-admin@corvair.org]On Behalf Of Plumbob3717@aol.com
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 11:07 AM
To: corvanatics@corvair.org
Subject: [FC] oil fill

  I thought that both vans and rampys had the oil fill located different
car engines. I was viewing a rampside on e-bay,it had a pic of the engine
and the oil fill is in the same place as the cars. But no dipstick in the
shroud. I'm confused.
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