[FC] here's smoke in your eyes

J R Read_HML corvanatics@corvair.org
Fri Feb 18 18:17:02 EST 2005

First, the perimeter seal is in place?  So that you are not sucking fumes 
back into the top side of the engine...

If there is enough pressure in the crankcase to blow oil out of the filler 
tube, that is a pretty good sign that you have a fair amount of blowby.  It 
sounds like you would possibly at least need rings.  To do that, you'll have 
the heads off and can do pushrod tube O rings upon re-assembly.  Also, the 
top cover will have to come off to get to the rod caps (put in a new 
gasket).  You might just find copper showing on the rod bearings and may 
need to replace them as well.  You will want to inspect the pistons for 
possible cracks (I don't know just how much use this engine has seen).  And, 
check the cylinders for size/roundness.  It is possible that you would need 
to bore the cylinders and get some oversize pistons and rings.  Basically, 
you could be talking about doing the whole "top end" of the engine.

So, you can "fix" what you've got or put the 110 in.  I'm assuming the 
current engine is a truck style - 80hp.  If the 110 is a car engine, you 
will need to think about how to access the dipstick.  That, or change the 
rear housing to the truck style.  You will like the extra pep of the 110.

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Later, JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben's Bus" <bensbus@paonline.com>
To: <corvanatics@corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 4:04 PM
Subject: [FC] here's smoke in your eyes

> Hey guys and gals-
> I have been getting burnt oil smell in my heat and some gray smoke comes 
> in
> through the heating vents.  Also, the oil is blowing out the top filler 
> tube.
> The last time my van was in the shop they told me the blow by is getting 
> worse
> and the oil is leaking everywhere.  It was used when I got it.
> Anyway, what are the chances that replacing the Vitons will take care of 
> the
> burnt oil smell (burning on the manifold), and the smoke problem?  I have 
> a
> good lead on a rebuilt 110 engine and a great installation price quoted.
> Would it be smarter to get the rebuilt or fix the smoker??
> Thanks!   Ben
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