[FC] Oil Cooler

Greenbrier Goon greenbriergoon at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 26 14:29:49 EST 2005

The engine is a stock engine for a 1963 Greenbrier.
Before I installed the remote cooler, I did a few other experiments.
I switched back to the original steel fan, I replaced the 8 plate cooler with a folded fin cooler, I played around with jetting and timing and I installed a finned aluminum oil pan.
These things just slowed the rise of the temperature, but it would still get just as high.

J R Read_HML <hmlinc at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
I've never had an oil temp gauge, but have driven a few Vairs (my truck has 
a Spyder dash) with head temp. Head temp typically is in the range of 250 
to 350 (on ALL Vairs that I've driven having that gauge) and generally stays 
between 275 and 300 (this is shrouds on) at highway speeds. It would seem 
that oil temp would be something a bit less - but I don't know just where it 
should be. It would probably approach head temp - but just take a bit 
longer to get there.

Where in the system are you measuring the oil temp? Are you possibly 
picking up a false reading by being too close to something that is VERY hot? 
Or, try a different sending unit and/or gauge (only change out one at a time 
and check results) to see if your current setup is just inherently reading 
on the high side.

Gauges and sending units are not all the same. Get used to what is normal 
for your vehicle and be comfortable with it. The gauge is there for you to 
notice something out of the ordinary happening. The number that the needle 
comes to rest on is only SOMEWHAT significant because it probably is not 
precise, anyway.

You did not answer about a 12 plate (OR folded fin) cooler. That MAY be all 
you need to do. That, and use synthetic oil which can tolerate higher temps 
than dino juice. Give it a try. It would be the quickest, easiest, and 
probably least expensive thing to do. Someone else on the list can give you 
the #s about how hot dino juice can get VS synthetic. I've seen them posted 
in the past on VV but did not pay all that much attention since I go to 
synthetic as soon as a fresh engine quits using.

You also did not say which engine. Obviously a 140 will run hotter than an 
80. So that is a factor as well.

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Later, JR

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