[FC] Need help with deciding on WHERE to start

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 27 17:55:37 EDT 2007

I'll vote for confused, too, but, I'll also vote for "... how easy it is 
to keep them going without spending a lot of money."
For the latter, one has to become educated about the ways of the Corvair 
and adopt (for the most part) an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" 
mentality.  Some things that can lead to disastrous results need to be 
addressed -- like new brake hoses. Yes, authentic oem replacement rubber 
hoses can be expensive, but I'd bet some racer dude could hook you up 
with some "teflon & stainless braid" hoses for less money (not free, but 

Similar to the clutch -- why isn't it working? -- you need to find out 
-- books can be helpful -- so can a personal evaluation by a 
knowledgeable Corvair mechanic. And about the engine not running (I 
believe you said something like that) -- maybe it is just a simple (hah! 
- is there such a thing?) fuel or ignition issue or maybe it is multiple 
dropped valve seats -- some stuff costs more to get fixed than other 
stuff and since you have a commitment to this car, you would seem to 
need to educate yourself (or cozy up to some guy who already has such 
education -- he'll be driving a Corvair ...) so you can tell which is which.

Cleaning it up, including the fuel tank (insides) can go a long way 
toward preventing continued erosion of your sentimental desire.

And, you need to decide what level of operation is going to be 
satisfactory to your personal needs -- maybe long term indoor storage is 
what you need at the moment (maybe not what you want).  You have to make 
some decisions for yourself. Find the local Corvair club and start 
hanging out at meetings -- volunteer to do a newsletter or something 
(and then do it) -- you might be surprised at  how cooperative the club 
may become ...  You will probably need more help than an email list can 


Bill Strickland
Oregon City, OR

>From: "J R Read_HML" <hmlinc at sbcglobal.net>
>So, now I'm confused...   What did this mean?
>"--but I'm thinking that I need to get the truck out of my friend's yard and 
>at least home with me so I can stare at it. :)"
>[IF] There is too much to do and to spend for your current situation, [THEN] When you have the time AND the money ... be sure it can STOP.   Clean up the engine - 
>get rid of the mouse house 

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Melanie Teller" <ponymel at earthlink.net>
>>Oops--can't do that (sell it).  It was my Dad's original truck that I
>>"found" 20 years after he sold it.  So it has that wonderful sentimental
>>attachment to it.  

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