[FC] Bumper guards available

Donald Manen donmanen at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 11 18:57:55 EDT 2008

I have two sets of NOS painted bumper guards (enough for two bumpers) for FC's--in GM boxes- mounting hardware included--- $125 includes postage in the U S -  I don't want to split the pairs.   I also have a set of used painted FC bumpers,, very good condition--- make offer.  I have miscellaneous accel and speedo cable and FC parts ------list soon.....
In case you haven't guessed......  I sold my GB,,,,,,, I found a '49 Ford I just had to have!!!!!
I still have Corvairs, but I'm afraid the price of restoration parts for Corvairs may prevent me from restoring another one....
Don Manen


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