[FC] 8 vs 12 Plate Oil Cooler Question!!

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Mon Oct 18 21:21:51 EDT 2010

More oil cooling in a Corvair is generally a good idea.  I'd upgrade any FC to either a 12 plate or a folded fin.  I've heard they are similar in how much they cool the oil, although I haven't seen a direct temp comparison that I can recall.  Since you have the 12 plate, that's what I'd use.  Make sure you also have the lower shroud for it.


On Oct 18, 2010, at 6:19 PM, eddie iglar wrote:

> Hello everyone, was wondering if anyone uses a 8 plate oil cooler over a 12 plate cooler for there FC and your reasons why! I just rebuilt my 110 64 motor wtith 145 cubic in crank and 40 over pistons with early model cyclinders and 260 cam ,and  i have my 8 plate with side shields ready to install in my rampside, was wondering would it be that much of a difference switching over too a 12 plate oil cooler! I have all the parts too make the switch , just was wondering is it alll worth it , truck is a daily and long distances driver. thks  , 

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