[FC] Anyone in the Boston area...

Ben and Lynn Stiles lbstiles at verizon.net
Sun Sep 19 12:53:29 EDT 2010

Greetings FCers-

We just got the good news that Lynn's just-college-graduated sister got 
an unpaid internship at the Boston Aquarium for a few months 
(Approximately 12 weeks). Leading up to this, we had been helping her 
try to locate housing for this opportunity, but none was to be found 
that was remotely reasonable in cost nor able to be leased for a few 
short months.

I thought I would reach out to my car and trailer club networks to see 
if anyone who lives in the area has a spare room they might rent or 
knows someone who does.

She plans to take her car and having done four years of dorm living is 
pretty self-sufficient- she just needs a place to call "home" until late 
December-early January.

Please let me know if you have any possible leads- I can be e-mailed 
directly at lbstiles at verizon.net



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